Friday, January 6, 2012

Welcome! This is who i am i take no one's crap im always there for others

Well I'll Just introduce myself! My name's Alicia and im 16. I've been through alot in my life even though im only 16. Im a sophmore and my mom passed away Nov. 2010 when i was a freshman. I was 15. Life has its ups and downs that was a major point in my life i was depressed for that whole year and it didnt help when my dad began to date after 6 months of my mothers death. Its still not easy I have my days where i feel as if i cant go on. But i became stronger than i could have imagined. No matter what happens i know i can get through it. I believe in God and i'll admit that sometimes i think He isn't there but i know he is. It took me awhile to believe in Him again, but i know he never left me. If you look at the letter i wrote to my mother you will understand more. Another thing you may want to know is that I wear a fake smile all the time. No one knows the difference at all im so good at it. Just once i want someone to ask "Are you okay" and when i say "Im fine" i want them to say "Tell the truth" but that will never happen. I can be having the worst day but i will pretend to be happy for my friends' sake because they always seem to have a "problem" and when im quite and not talking they think im tired or im annoyed and dont ask whats wrong. Well it feels like i have the weight of the world on my shoulders and im slowly being crushed. My story may not be inspiring but i need to tell it for my sake. But I want to show that you are not alone ever! I may not know who you are but feel free to ask me anything in the comments if anyone actually ever finds my lonely blog at least they wont need to make judgements I'm telling you exactly who i am. I'll sum it up in a few words

I am:
broken inside
fake a smile outside
there for anyone
sometimes question why me
sometimes depressed

sometimes i dont think anyone understands me AT ALL no matter what people will never fully understand me

<3 bye!

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