Sunday, June 3, 2012

Looking and Falling

You said look for you in a rainbow,
That that is a sign you're okay,
But i havent seen one in a while,
i hope your okay Mom,
I miss you alot everyday,
The worst part is when someone doesnt realize your gone,
They say ask your mom for this or that,
I cant, but i wish i could you have no idea,
you were taken to soon and it feels like you've been gone forever,
Its only been a year and a half and it feels as if im living in another world,
I miss you more and more everyday but i know your with me each step of the way,
Sometimes it feels like I've hit rock bottom with no hope of getting out,
Its tough sometimes, i struggle through the day trying to be happy but failing,
Im tired of pretending everything is fine and okay,
But you said i have perseverance and you have faith in me,
I dont want to let you down but you once said i could never let you down,
To be honest i feel lost in a crowd of people,
Im surrounded by noise and people but im alone,
My mind is clouded by darkness and im alone in silence,
I appear happy but im not and i question when,
How do i get out of this darkness i know there is a dim light somewhere,
But im searching in darkness and its like im blind,
I dont know anymore, i need to clear my head somehow,
but everything is a question when i think i have the answers,
I continue to question things, I dont know anymore...
Im full of doubt and fear, i hope for things to be better
But sometimes all hope is gone,
Thats when i feel like ive broken and im shattered into a million pieces
Everyday i put everything back together but the jaged pieces create imaginary scars,
I dont know anymore, how i cant get out of this whole of black,
I'm in free fall and i dont know when i'll land and that scares me the most.

Friday, June 1, 2012

Memories Flying Past

As I stare out this car window things are flying past,
Like a memory one recalls to feel happy or safe,
The trees consumed by darkness in a second,
The dark stormy rain clouds capture the sun and hold it as prisoner,
The sky begins to cry and eventually it just has a breakdown,
Millions of tiny rain drops fall hurriedly from the sky like they are running from something,
The rain creates a peace and you can hear nothing but silence as the rain falls in its heavy loud patter on the window,
Racing down the window like they are trying to escape a horrid beast of some sort,
Scared to face the reality that they might not escape rather get caught,
The sun is trying to get through the dark clouds trying to escape and longing to be free,
The picture before me is a type of madness,
Everything rushing by and things getting caught and trying to escape many things,
I guess this describes our world, the human world,
The car is now on a dirt road full of rocks and pebbles,
Mud splatters everywhere as the tires race through a puddle,
The car gets stuck, I myself am trapped,
I get out and run till I’m far up the road in the middle of nowhere I still feel like I’m trapped,
I recall a memory of a warm summer day in July, where everything seems perfectly fine,
The laughter of the past is haunting my present and my future,
It now seems as if the whole world has gone mad and you’re just someone trying not to turn insane,
What if you change? What would happen?
You wouldn’t be the same person you are now, or would you?
It’s hard to stay the same in any situation because anything can affect you,
This is when you have a chance to be a better person or turn evil,
No matter what you need to make a choice whether it’s right or wrong depends on your actions following it,
As the rain slows, the sun escapes the clouds and the trees appear again,
I’m no longer in a state of confusion,
Rather I’m at peace with myself ready to take on the next challenge thrown at me,
Life and every incident and memory of the past has taught me something that I can apply to the future,
So I’m ready world, go ahead and try to break me down, try to make me hit rock bottom,
But you should know that I will never shatter.

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Happiness is hard to find

Happiness is hard to find in this world,
We often go looking for it but never succeed,
This is when you find many different kinds of people,
You have the dreamers, who hope anything can happen,
The realists the people, who just face facts and know how life will be,
You have the idealists, who think everything is a great idea,
These are only a few there are many more people searching,
All on a different mission and looking for what they want,
Eventually when people keep failing and nothing good ever happens,
That is when the person collapses and falls into darkness,
It seems like there is no light going to help them out,
They search blindly in the darkness and call out for someone, anyone,
The only reply is a quiet silence and an echo of themselves,
Driven mad, longing for companionship for someone,
They finally manage to get out of the lonesome darkness,
These people needed a test of their wills,
They no longer take people for granted,
They accept people for who they truly  are,
No one is picky and they realize everyone should be treated the same,
What about those people who never will learn this lesson?
They will not learn through words no matter how easy it is to understand,
Those people take everything for granted, the so called “lucky ones”,
They need to learn but never will if only people could understand,
About why people are so mad, disappointed, and depressed all the time,
It’s sad when someone realizes how bad someone is,
They question how the person got to that state,
But they never ask they make assumptions,
That aren’t true, they are lies,
People just don’t want to waste their time or have to help someone who truly needs it,
So what person are you in the end after taking on all these roles in the play called Life?
Are you who you wanna be or are you someone who was forced to conform to society?
Who do you want to be?
Forget what anyone has ever told you and start all over.
Would you if you had that option or would you change it if you could?
Life is full of choices,
Would you make the choices that would truly make you happy or make someone else happy?

Monday, May 28, 2012

what if all strength is gone? and you are left hopeless

Strength comes in all forms,
But what if someone has lost all hope,
Has come to face facts,
The one who is brave and faces fears,
But then you have everyone who is broken,
No one notices them ever,
They stay unnoticed,
Drifting in a sea of people,
Whether it’s in the quiet of one’s mind
The silence someone shows,
The actions one takes,
The books someone runs away in
The people who try to escape reality in life,
The lies told to get through the day,
No this isn’t a sickness,
But if someone told you that you are a disappointment every day,
How would you act?
How would you deal with it,
Feeling as if you are a waste of space,
To be constantly silenced,
You are left with nothing and no one,
What if you have just had enough
And you can’t take it,
You vent to friends but they can’t fix it
You have hit rock bottom and there is no escape.

Thursday, May 24, 2012

A Window Through Life

As I stare out this cold, dark,  window with rain streaming down it, on this smelly, decrepit, rickety, old bus all I can think of is how all this could happen all of a sudden.  I didn’t see it coming neither did my mom. How could we? There were no signs of his depression or wanting to kill himself that dreary night.  My mom couldn’t take it either anymore and went crazy. With my best interest in mind she’s shipping me out to California to live with my grandma.  I disagree, we need each other.  I don’t even like my Grandma because she is never home when we call and when we do talk to her she focuses on herself the whole time and you never get a word in except the words “Yes” “No” “Mhmm.” I can only imagine what it will be like when I live with her until I can leave for college. That’s in three years because I’m only a sophomore but I’m worried that people will judge how I dress and how I talk. You see I’m from New York, New York. The Big Apple as many people call it. I dress casually in my paid red and black skinny jeans, my black tank top with my leather jacket and red high top Converse. This is a normal outfit for New York but I wonder what people dress like in California. They go to the beach in California, that I know and they’re all so tan. I’m so pale due to lack of sun and not going to the Jersey Shore everyday likes most teenage girls from New York focus on.  I’m not your everyday teenage girl. I’d rather go to concerts, play my guitar or read a book or listen to music. My music is my life and can help me no matter what.
Anyway getting back to reality, I slowly move in the inside of the seat as an elderly man sits down next to me looking tired and worn down from a hard day but he’s nice. We are now in Wyoming. He smiles at me and asks if the seat is taken, and I say no.  We sit there in silence for an hour or so, me looking out the window watching the dark asleep world pass by and he’s sound asleep as if nothing can wake him and so is everyone else. I take this time to think about how much will change, I think about seeing my dad’s body floating lifelessly in the pool after attempting to shoot himself three times and finally got it to work the fourth time no matter how hard I pleaded for him to stop, and my mother crying for weeks after and me waving good bye to her when the bus left, how she wasn’t even looking.  I hadn’t realized it but I had started crying but silently wishing I was just waking up from a nightmare. Sadly my “nightmare” was my reality and I could do nothing about it now. I feel like it was my fault.
The elderly man was awake now and noticed that I was crying and asked if I was okay. I said “yes,” as I shook my head but he looked at me and said “No, you aren’t; do not lie to me. I have three kids of my own and can tell when something is wrong.” I replied “It’s a long story and I struggle to tell it because I cry each time more and more and even thinking about it is hard.”  “Well, it’s going to be a really long bus ride. I have time for a long story. Plus it’s better to share pain with people rather than keep it bottled up. My name is Roger McSmith and I live in California.” I said “Hi, Mr. McSmith my name is Natalie Compentino and I’m from New York but going to live with my grandma in California.”  He asks me to tell him my story and I nod and begin.
After I told my story which took about two hours to tell he simply said “I don’t know why your father killed himself, but it is not your fault. Never think it is your fault you tried to get you father to not shoot himself but he chose not to listen. I’m sorry about his death and your mother shipping you off to your grandma who is never home. If you ever need someone to talk to or need to escape to some place just give me a call and I’ll meet you wherever you are no matter what the situation is I will be there.” I thought to myself that Mr. McSmith was like a grandfather I never had. I would kill to have him as my own father.
I said “Thank you for listening and understanding you have no idea how long I’ve bottled this up from everyone. With everyone at school constantly showing me pity and half of them judging me and my family, I’ve lost so many friends because of it and I hope life will be better here.” “It will be,” he answered “because you will make friends and they will help you get through anything. Can I just tell you one thing?” I nod. “Natalie, never change for anyone. Never change your attitudes, the way you dress, the person you are unless you want to change for yourself. People always try to change others and I was one of the lucky few who managed to never change for anyone.”  Taking in all of his advice I nod and finally smile which is one thing I haven’t done in forever. I thank him and tell him I’m tired and I’m gonna go to sleep and he said he would wake me up at the next stop or if we get to California. We are now in Nevada.
 I get woken up with a gentle shake and Mr. McSmith says that we’re in California. It is so warm and sunny hear and I defiantly am not used to it. Compared to New York which is windy and chilly, California feels like the equator.  I’m already regretting not changing outta my jeans into shorts, I’m thankful that I am wearing my black tank top.  I get off the bus and inhale sun and warmth. My grandma of course isn’t there so I’m stuck walking to her house.  I grab my pull string bag, and my guitar. My mom told me to bring a suitcase but I told her what was the use I would have to buy new clothes cause of the weather, so I have my pull string bag, my debit card, and my guitar. I say goodbye to Mr. McSmith and I told him I’d see him around, he asked if I needed a ride and I said no my grandma was running late. He said okay and waved and said if I ever needed anything call. I answered him then walked out onto the street.
Wow. I never imagined California being so busy. It’s a lot like New York but it’s a more organized chaos and New York, well that’s just chaotic. I look up and down the street squinting, I don’t really wanna head straight to my grandma’s house even if I know how to get there so I walk down the street to find a park and I sit down. I lean back and stare at the sky then I take in the world around me. The next thing I really wanna do is play my guitar right here but what will people think… I remember what Mr. McSmith said “don’t ever change for anything.” With remembering that I take out my guitar, I love the way it shines in the light; I take out my guitar pick and I begin to play. I open up my guitar case like I do back in New York because who knows maybe I can make some extra money. I begin to play “Wake Me Up When September Ends” by Green Day and I start to sing. I get so into my music I don’t notice all the people standing around staring at me until I finish the final note, I’m loud and clear. I get greeted to California with claps from everyone around they’re all just standing clapping for me. That never really happened in New York, I get $50 in cash in my case which is more than I ever made in a day. I think I’m gonna like California.
After I thank everyone, a little girl comes over and asks if I can play another song and her mother says “I’m sorry, she was intrigued by your playing and singing. Let’s go Claire.” “Wait!” I say to the mother and the little girl Claire. “I’ll play another song. What do you wanna hear?” The girl Claire looks at me and says “Can you play, Just the Way You are?” I smile because that was one of my favorite songs to play. I nod and say “Of course I can play that song, how’d you know that’s one of my favorite songs to play?” She laughs and I play the song. Once I finish she is smiling a radiant smile which makes me smile. I can see I made her day. She says thank you and her mom gives me a twenty and tells Claire to go to the playground. After she ran off her mom said to me “Thank you for playing. My daughter hasn’t smiled in weeks since her grandmother passed away. You have no idea how I was filled with so much happiness to see her smile.” The woman is now in tears and I smile and say “I wasn’t lying that is my favorite song to play. I’m glad I was able to make her smile. It will be okay things will get better just give her some time.” I wish I could listen to my own advice sometimes. Then I remembered how I needed to start to my Grandma’s house. I put my guitar away and say goodbye to the woman and as I leave I say “Mrs., don’t let anyone change your daughter, Claire. She’s one of those rare people you find that can overcome any obstacle, and so are you. One day everything will make sense.” I really should take my own advice.
I start down the path in the park to leave when someone taps me on the shoulder, my imitate idea is to run but I remember this is California and turn around to find a guy my age standing behind me. I ask him “Can I help you?” He shakes his head no then he says “No, I just uh thought you we’re someone I knew. Sorry, this is awkward… I’ll let you be on your way… bye!” I look at him as he walks over to where a group of his friends are laughing. Great there are jerks who laugh here too. I turn and walk to my grandma’s house.
Once I get there I notice she isn’t home and there is no key to let me in so I sit on the steps strumming my guitar making up my own lyrics to a song I’m working on. I hadn’t noticed there was a pair of feet standing in front of me till I looked up. It was the same guy from the park. I got a little scared and I was crying because of my song I was singing, he was looking at me. I got annoyed wiped my eyes and asked him “What do you want now? Did you follow me or something? You got some never because you and your friends were laughing at me.” It was his turn to be taken back.  I could tell he didn’t expect this. He looked at me and began to stutter over his words but regained the ability to speak somehow. He said “I’m sorry and my friends weren’t laughing at you. They were laughing at me and I didn’t follow you home I live down the street and noticed you were outside of Betty’s house here and got curious. What is the name of the song you were playing?” I look at him taking in this information. I answer “Betty’s my grandma and I’m gonna be living with her until I leave for college. That’s cool you live down the street, its weird too. The song doesn’t have a name yet nor lyrics but I’m working on it. Why were they laughing at you?” He looked at me stunned and replied “You made that song? WOW! That’s really good I thought it was an actual song by a really famous artist. Oh,” he began to turn red “my friends were laughing at me because I failed at talking to you. See I was going to tell you that you play guitar really well and sing great.  I was going to introduce myself too.” “Which you still haven’t done,” I cut in. “My name is Jason Darren. I go to Spring Bridge High School. I am a sophomore and I love music. Your turn.” He smiled. Taking on this challenge I nod and say in a British accent for no reason at all “Hello, I’m Natalie Compentino. I’m from New York, New York. I play guitar love concerts and reading. I run track, and Betty is my grandma. I too will be attending Spring Bridge High School and am a sophomore. Nice to meet you Jason Darren.”
I then ask him “Jason, you said you live down the street correct, do you know when my grandma usually gets home cause I don’t have a key and its gonna get late and I have nowhere to go.” I look up when he sighs, he than says “No, sorry I don’t know when she gets home. Usually she gets back really late at like 11:30pm. Wanna just hang at my house till she calls we can leave her a note telling her where you are and call when she gets home.” I really had no other choice other than sit here so I agreed. I’ll admit that walking to Jason’s house was kinda awkward because I didn’t really even know him. But I mean he was going to be my neighbor and it would help to at least have one friend at school.  Halfway through the walk we run into one of the guys from the park, I’m assuming his friend. Jason offered to carry the pull string bag. I refused to let him carry my guitar. Anyway his friend just stops a few feet away looking shocked and Jason begins to chuckle. I ask him “Why are you laughing and who is that?” Jason stops and looks at me and says “That’s my friend Brad. I’m laughing because he was the guy that said I would never talk to you and that you would be his friend before you are mine.” So now we are friends I’m thinking, we were just strangers a few seconds ago. Gosh, I guess people in California are really nice. We come up to where Brad is and  I say “Hi, you a friend of Jason’s?” He nods. I speak again “Hi, my name is Natalie what’s yours?” He regained the ability to think and talk and said “My name’s Brad. You’re new here right? Where ya from?” Jason cuts in “She’s from New York. She’s Betty’s granddaughter.” “Betty’s granddaughter? Really? So you’re the girl who is transferring in,” said Brad surprised. “Yea. Why is it such a surprise?” I asked. “Well,” started Brad “Jason usually doesn’t talk to too many people. He’s kinda shy but has an awesome taste in music. Forget it music is his life.”
“That’s interesting my music is my life. I write what I feel and that inspires my songs.  But there not very good however I feel like I need to write them for me. I never show others because no one will want to hear them.” I said with a sad tone in my voice that only I noticed. 

If I ran away would anyone care

If I ran away would anyone care,
Run away into the setting sun,
To only be consumed by darkness,
Not having a name,
Or anyone know you,
Finally invisible,
Cold, silent as the grave,
The night is long and seems never ending,
A bird finally and tells you it is morning,
It is a new day with a bright, warm, shining sun,
A new beginning, A new life,
You saved yourself from everything,
You are now your own hero,
Capable of many things,
But you still have enemies,
No way to truly escape,
But when you ran away,
You saw things in a new light,
A new dream appeared,
Finally you understand
That this is your life,
Sometimes no one will hold your hand,
You will walk alone and stay where you stand,
You may change however,
But it is because you wanted to ,
No one forced you to change with their opinions,
No one else matters but you.

Friday, February 24, 2012


Even the strongest people break sometimes.  The people who are the kindest, nicest, and love the most have been through the most. So maybe people question me and why im nice to everyone even the jerks but its better to care for someone than have absolutely no one. A smile and laugh can easily be faked but if you really want to understand someone, look into their eyes.

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Im fine, Just Fine

Just because your life is going perfect and you're happy, it doesnt mean my life is going great. I'll be honest im broken inside, i hide it behind these fake smiles. You ask me why im not a happy bubbly girl anymore? its because i changed, A LOT! you seem like you dont trust me anymore. you wont give me straight answers, wanna know something? i dont trust you anymore either, glad we're on the same page. I isolate myself in my room to escape life, to cry and be alone, when nothing's going right i'd rather be alone by myself. im sorry im a wreck,  and im not as strong as i pertend to be. I feel so alone in a crowd of people. Im self conscience. Nothing will ever be the same. I dont know who to trust anymore. everyone i have trusted has either left, or broke their trust. People dont trust me? well i've kept every secret and helped anyone the best i could. So thanks for nothing. I cry myself to sleep sometimes and you dont even know. Im broken inside, no one understands, im always left in the dark,.... alone.

Saturday, January 14, 2012

A song i made but its only lyrics no tune the mesage is true

Everyone has a breaking point especially when you’ve been strong for too long,

I’ll be honest I’ve told you before, that I’m broken inside with nowhere left to run,

I try to stay strong for the sake of my friends and others,

But sometimes it’s just too much to handle,

I’m a stranger in the world and no one understands,

I’m self-conscience all the time but I don’t care anymore,

Say what you want I don’t care what you think,

I am who I am, I’m happy with who I am and I’m not gonna change,

I’m happy with myself and I will not be torn down,

I’m stronger than you think and will not breakdown,

But its days like these when I wish I could have slept the whole day,

And not worry about what others will say,

I wear a smile that’s fake but others can’t see through it,

How is someone supposed to answer the question what’s wrong, when nothing is going right,

I go through the day with a smile on my face,

When someone asks how you are the answer is fine,

Just once you want someone to look you in the eyes and they say tell the truth,

People would be shocked by your reply,

The worst feeling in the world is feeling alone in a crowd,

So thanks for kicking me when I’m down and at the lowest of low’s,

But I guess that’s just how the story goes,

Nothing’s worse than being in the dark,

I'd rather be somewhere else then here right now,

Somewhere where everything is perfect, guess I gotta keep dreaming,

I’m stuck in a reality and can’t live in a fantasy,

I’m so tired that I just don’t care anymore,

Everybody needs someone

But in today’s world you can’t be who you really are,

That’s what’s wrong with the human world, it’s a mess.

 this whole song is a combination of my tweets, and fb status' every single part is one or the other. its my first song ever feed back is always appreciated. Even if i know no one reads this :)

Friday, January 6, 2012

Welcome! This is who i am i take no one's crap im always there for others

Well I'll Just introduce myself! My name's Alicia and im 16. I've been through alot in my life even though im only 16. Im a sophmore and my mom passed away Nov. 2010 when i was a freshman. I was 15. Life has its ups and downs that was a major point in my life i was depressed for that whole year and it didnt help when my dad began to date after 6 months of my mothers death. Its still not easy I have my days where i feel as if i cant go on. But i became stronger than i could have imagined. No matter what happens i know i can get through it. I believe in God and i'll admit that sometimes i think He isn't there but i know he is. It took me awhile to believe in Him again, but i know he never left me. If you look at the letter i wrote to my mother you will understand more. Another thing you may want to know is that I wear a fake smile all the time. No one knows the difference at all im so good at it. Just once i want someone to ask "Are you okay" and when i say "Im fine" i want them to say "Tell the truth" but that will never happen. I can be having the worst day but i will pretend to be happy for my friends' sake because they always seem to have a "problem" and when im quite and not talking they think im tired or im annoyed and dont ask whats wrong. Well it feels like i have the weight of the world on my shoulders and im slowly being crushed. My story may not be inspiring but i need to tell it for my sake. But I want to show that you are not alone ever! I may not know who you are but feel free to ask me anything in the comments if anyone actually ever finds my lonely blog at least they wont need to make judgements I'm telling you exactly who i am. I'll sum it up in a few words

I am:
broken inside
fake a smile outside
there for anyone
sometimes question why me
sometimes depressed

sometimes i dont think anyone understands me AT ALL no matter what people will never fully understand me

<3 bye!

My Letter to My Mom, You may be gone from this earth but you are forever in my heart

Dear Mom,
Guess I’ll start with hi. I miss you so much. I think about you all the time. I look back in the past everyday remembering all the memories we made together. Then I always go back to the memory when I was like 6 and we were talking at dinner about would I cry and miss you or molly more if I lost you in a fire. I said molly because I didn’t hear you say yourself.  I remember after you said “You would miss molly more?” I started to cry I was so upset and thought that it would be my worst nightmare if you died. I thought you were invincible. My worst nightmare then became a reality on that dreadful day in November. I remember that day well. I woke up that morning all sad because I prayed to God the night before and said “God, I know I want my mother to stay alive and be here for my sweet 16, wedding, prom, and all the moments in my life. But however I want her to stop having to suffer. I know it will be hard to get through life without her but I don’t want her to go through any more pain. I think I’m strong enough. If you need her back in heaven take her but know this, I will stop praying and believing in you for a while.” I cried myself to sleep that night and was still crying when I woke up on that day. I got changed ate and was waiting to go and wait for the bus. Seven o’clock came and I was going outside I said “Bye Mom love you! Have a good day! See you later.” If I knew this would be the last time I would have said more how I would miss you and how I would trade places with you and that I know you’ll always be with me. I left for school waiting for the bus I remember talking to Sharon and told her what I prayed to God. She said that she said the same thing. I had one of those strange feelings it was going to happen but I was hoping I was wrong. Something told me you were gone at school that day. During Morning Prayer the reading said “Even those who leave us will always be with us, to help us through rough times and through happy times but we must never forget.” Or something like that. I was thinking about that all day and was just thinking through first and second block worrying about you. During second block I wanted the day to be over so I could just go home and sit with you. That’s when Mr. Bye came in and said “We need to see Alicia McEnearney in the office.” I got up out of my seat feeling all shaky and stunned. I wasn’t thinking and couldn’t think. My mind went blank. I then knew what happened as I walked through the principles door when I saw Uncle Patrick with red eyes and seeing dad trying to stay strong for us. I just ran over to him and hugged him. I hear him say “Mom passed this morning.” He tried to keep from crying but the tears just came. I was never so mad in my life. Even now it kills me to go back to that horrible day. When I came home I saw your body in that ugly blue chair I just ran over and cried in your arms, like I had so many times before when I was sad, upset, or had a bad day. Thinking that I would never get one of your hugs ever again. The hugs filled of love and kindness. It just wasn’t fair! All I could say over and over to you was “Mom I love you, I love you so much, and you’ll always be with me. I love you, it’s just not freakin fair!!!”  I cursed screamed and cried so much. I’ll never forget those nights we stayed up late studying or just having fun. I miss your laugh and I always question how I’ll get through life without you, then I remember that day Aunt Barbara said you said “Alicia will be alright she has perseverance.” I also remember the day you just wanted me to sit and hold your hand, I sat there for a while but it got to me and I started to cry I just couldn’t take it, I didn’t want to leave you but I just had to. Every time I read the letter you wrote me in the memory book I cry. I will always stop to smell the roses and enjoy life. Even though it will be hard. We’ve had our fights and arguments but we’ve had so much fun too. All the vacations, you teaching me how to play sports, helping me with homework, having dance parties with me and Sharon and all the parties you planned with us. I remember saying “Mom why did you smell my hair or mom what are you doing that for?” You would respond by saying “I’m making a memory.” I didn’t think much of it but now I do and make sure I try to make a lot of memories to keep forever. I wish I could go back in time and change everything. I’m glad you got to see me graduate from St. Ambrose. But upset you will never see me graduate high school, be there for my sweet 16, prom or my wedding. This wasn’t the way life was supposed to be. I remember in September  this year it was a few days before my birthday like the 24 when you said you had about a month to live we were all so mad and I screamed and yelled. I hugged you and said I’ll miss your hugs and you said there are still time for many hugs but I said but not for long. You said “sit on my lap,” I said ‘But I’m afraid I’ll hurt you,” you said “No you won’t. I miss having you sit here. See you still fit.” You said you would always be with me and I said it wouldn’t be the same and you said you knew that I asked if there were anymore treatments but there wasn’t.  People keep saying it will get better but I keep thing “When?” It seems to me everything is getting harder. Our trip to Florida this year you were supposed to be here! I miss you so much. The day you passed I just had to get out my anger I shot some baskets, threw my phone across the backyard, and then went for a ride on my bike with Sharon. I just had to get away to think. Sharon and I talked about everything and I finally felt a sense or peace. I wrote a few poems and me and Sharon blasted Hilary Duff which we know you loved. I just wish you were still here. It seems as if I’m in a dream and I’m still trying to wake up. Every day I say “Oh I gotta tell Mom this, then I remember or when I say my parents or even when people say  I have to check with my mom, or Guess what my Mom said or like Oh my gosh my Mom is so mean.” I just think you’re lucky she does all that. I miss you so much Mom I love you with all my heart and I wish things were different. Love you Mo Mom:) Love you Mom!!&lt;3
Love Your Daughter,